It progresses insidiously without symptoms and the consequences are vital. However, this disease can be easily controlled in early diagnosis. This is Aortic Aneurysm. It affects high blood pressure patients and a simple cough can be vital. Aortic aneurysm occurs when the ballooning in the abdominal artery reaches 2 times the width of the artery. Most of the time, unfortunately, it does not give symptoms, so its diagnosis and treatment are delayed and have vital consequences. In order to avoid aortic aneurysm, especially high blood pressure patients should be examined by ultrasound or tomography once a year and with CT angio method if necessary. It is advised to routinize these examinations after treatment of aortic aneurysm as well. Because it may recur. In addition, unaffordable abdominal pain and back pain may also be the sign of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and must be consulted to a medical center immediately.
The size of the artery diameter is not considered as deciding on treatment in aneurysm cases. It is necessary to look at the person’s chronic diseases and life style. In articles related to aortic aneurysms, they recommend to follow up with medical treatment in the ballooning up to 5.5 – 6 centimeters. As the diameter of the artery grows therisk of rupture increases. However, there is a risk of rupture even if the patient has a diameter of 4 inches in comparison with his or her own artery diameter particularly in patients with special conditions (COPD, connective tissue diseses and rheumatology patients). If the patient has a complaint, it is necessary to undergo surgical intervention without time wasting. Especially if this patient is a patient with chronic bronchitis and smoking, we should not lose time. Because the person’s coughs will increase the abdominal pressure and expose the risk of rupture of the artery. In such a case, death is most likely. Emergency surgery should be performed in cases such as Takayasu Vasculitis, Behçet, Mafran Syndrome which are rare and threatening women under 40.
Aneurysm operations are among the most difficult operations of vascular surgery. We have very different techniques that we apply. We try to treat the aneurysm by entering the abdomen without opening the groin.Our aim and must is not to cause damage to the patient, not to injure the bowels, not to burst the artery, and by avoiding heart attack.
Aortic aneurysm often does not give symptoms. That is, asymptomatic. High blood pressure patients should not skip the routine examinations in order to prevent the delayed diagnosis and treatment in order not cause fatal results. In order to get ahead of this, they should be examined by ultrasound or tomography every year. If necessary, they should be examined by CT Angiography Method. It is also useful to routine these examinations after aneurysm treatment. Should be kept in mind that this disease may recur. Remember, every disease can be controlled by early diagnosis. In order to provide this, our most important task is to be conscious of society.