He was paralyzed a month ago now he’s riding a bike
The patient, who had a stroke caused by the carotid artery, he recovered from a paralysis after Dr. Kalko’s surgery. Mehmet Emin Sarı declared that he almost defied paralysis by sharing his video of cycling 1 month after surgery. The face of 54-year-old Mehmet Emin Sarı, whose carotid artery was blocked and had a stroke, is now smiling. The patient, whom Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kalko operated a month ago, shared the video of him while riding a bicycle and declared that he almost challenged the paralysis. Dr. Kalko said, “Today we got very good news. Our patient sent us a video. A month ago, his right side was paralyzed, he couldn’t speak, he was a patient with half-open and half- closed consciousness. We were very happy when we saw him ride his bike in the video he sent us.” Prof. Kalko stated that they obtained very successful results from the Hybrid Methods applied in patients whose carotid artery was 100 percent occluded or who had paralysis originating from the carotid artery.